Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A quick word if I may..

I hope to have more time today to speak to you all, but in the mean time here is something I thought about while beginning work this morning.

I can't explain the exact circumstances that have led me to my state of mind, their could be many (a good nights rest, a good coffee in the morning, a good ride on the trainer, a good listen to the art of war)... but today I just feel good.

I know that there is a lot expected of me today and I have a lot of work to accomplish but I know that if I attack each task individually that in the many things will be completed. Here is my attempt at zen for the day. Coming straight from my head, this is original MJC:

"Each new day is like a snowflake, individually unique and beautiful, so stick out your tongue and swallow life up one flake at a time."

I hope you enjoy my thought for the day, I'd love to hear what you all think. I have lots of these kinds of zany things floating in my head. Additionally, if anyone knows someone that can get me into the journalism world drop me a line. :)

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