Friday, August 13, 2010

Here's your sign...How you know that Triathlon is your life.

1. You wake up earlier than farmers.
2. You've exercised more from 4am-6am on Monday than most people will the during the entire week.
3. You don't have cable but you can quote any line from any television show that has ever aired thanks to box set dvd collections.
4. During the winter months a bike hooked up to a trainer is considered part of your living room furniture collection.
5. You color coordination of cycling kits has spilled over into your everyday work apparel. Co-workers are starting to talk based on your lime green and livestrong yellow dress pants you keep wearing on casual friday.
6. You no longer own any designer sunglasses. When the sun is out you are rocking Oakley M Frames, Radar's, or Jawbones regardless of the occasion.
7. Your diet is well for the lack of better words...weird. You basically consider gel's as their own food group.
8. Your the exception if at least 3 bikes are not currently residing in your house/garage.
9. You've read more blogs in the past week than you have books in your entire life.
10. You can include the words "butt cream" in a sentence at any time in any situation without snickering.
11. You have a better relationship with your online friends than any real ones that you may still have.
12. Peeing yourself?...not an issue.
13. You've conversed more with ST'ers today than you have your wife/children/ 10x more.
14. You've sold all your furniture, tv's, and gaming systems in your apartment to pay for more bikes.
15. Your garage has never housed your car.
16. Next year's family vacation always depends on whether your qualified for Kona or not.
17. You worry more about your bike fit more than your retirement plan.
18. You have at least 10 pairs of running shoes at various levels of wear strewn across your house at all times.
19. Your have more bikes than you do pieces of furniture in your living room.
20. You pack the same amount of stuff for a two day weekend trips as you do for a 2 week vacation.
21. Some weekends you will eat more Powerbar supplements than you will actual real food.
22. You compulsively buy Triathlete magazine when in Barnes and Noble regardless of if any of the articles interest you.
23. Your car is most likely a full of empty water bottles, random wrappers, and an immense load of bicycle junk at all times.
24. You have either slept or napped in your car for more than 1 hour on numerous occasions.
25. You attend more summer "camps" now than you did when you were a teenager.
26. Shaving your legs is fun...for both men and women.
27. Men shave their legs predominately because they look so awesome, and make their finely sculpted calves really POP. Although the will tell you it is to protect from road rash and that it feels so darn cool in the water (which are all reasonable answers)
28. You frequently drive 45 minutes to the lake to get in a 30 minute swim.
29. If a dunkin donuts is not open at 5am you will burst into a fit of rage.
30. You've had more meaningful conversations with your internet tri friends about bowl movements and urination than you have had meaningful conversations about your children with your spouse in the past month.
31. Work is purely a means to pay for new running shoes, tires, wheels, and bikes.

Please do feel free to contribute to the list as this will continue on and on.


  1. oh man.....that rang a bit too true!!! lol, love it!

  2. My wife's favorite comment in the huge build period is, "You can ride your bike for 5 hours or run 20 miles, but you have a hard time getting out of the car and you are too tired to walk the dog."

  3. ^^ agreed, I love it that I regularly run for over an hour non-stop but that when I walk up the stairs at my parking garage my legs feel like they want to explode and my HR is about 250.
