Monday, August 9, 2010

What a bizzare Sunday

When I was writing my blog yesterday I didn't really expect to have as weird of a Sunday as I did. Right from the start the day just felt a bit different. I was kind of sluggish getting on my bike to start my 45/45 brick but not sluggish because I was tired (I wasn't, I had plenty of rest) but sluggish because I had the intentions of cleaning up my apartment and things like that. Things that I have neglected to do even though I have had ample time to do them lately. I did manage to get some dishes clean, and clear the kitchen counter up...however the dirty dishes have magically appeared again this morning. I think some little dirty dish fairy comes into my apartment and puts them their, along with stealing all my forks (I only have 1 fork left..i used to have like 6 least!) Well I cleaned the kitchen and began to sort through the living room (aka the dirty clothing hamper on the floor and basic storage for all my stuff from my June-July travels, including Lake Placid). Little by little I have been picking the floor up and sorting through the clothing, bike stuff, run stuff, smelly/moldy clothing..and its looking better but I didn't finish the job. I ended up doing something else, and I can't really remember what it was. I think I just decided that it was time to go ride my bike and off I went. So I headed out for my nice 45/45 brick workout, which I was very excited for as it afforded me the first time to get a workout over an hour in. Something that regardless of the effort/intensity of the workout that I had really been looking forward to. I just wanted to get some time in...time to clear my mind and provide some therapy. If nothing else riding my bike or running for a decent amount of time lets me relax...something I have been having a hard time doing lately. Like always it was relaxing, I even had the chance to chat with another cyclist who was heading from downtown Rochester out to Bristol to meet some of his buddies and ride...I was secretly jealous of his cycling plans for the day as well as the quark power meter he was rocking. We ended up conversing for a little while as we headed out of Pittsford. He eventually went his way (aka took off like a bolt of lightning up a hill) and I continued on my solo journey back to my apartment where I would head to my garage (aka T2) and throw my running shoes on.

I'm not to sure where I left off but last time I was writing was at about 5;30am this morning before I headed to the pool...and boy am I glad I got my swim in this morning because it has been a wet and stormy afternoon for sure. It's now about 7pm and I am in a very good place. After work I headed to Towpath to see some friends and drop off a book for Mike who works at Towpath and is currently residing in the hospital after a very bad bike crash. I wish him the best and hope that he has a very speedy recovery! Because I mean I am bound to break something on my bike and he will have to fix it!

I think I was talking earlier about what happened on Sunday and I'll pick up once I returned home from my bike ride. After I got back on threw on the trusty newtwons (actually they are a new pair and look really nice and white..and pee free...won't be that way for to much longer) but the none the less my shoes and I took off on a data free endurance effort run. I didn't go slow and I didn't go fast. I went about medium and that was just fine with me. I had a nice stroll around Cobbs Hill and even had all of Park Ave to myself since it was the weekend of the Park Ave fest and all the streets were blocked off so no cars could go up or down. It was really nice to be able to run down the middle of the road all the way to alexander and say hi to all the people who were setting up their stands for the final day of the fest. I saw my barber and various other people I knew..its was pleasant.

Well after my workouts and everything I got cleaned up and had the intention of cleaning my apartment. However, that intention soon departed and was replaced by me just reading posts or something, i don't really know but the next thing I knew it was time to get going to the IRONMAN party at the Kellman's (which by the way was great). So on the way to my car I hear this woman screaming and yelling, and what seems to be like almost crying. I was completely caught off guard to see that a older handicapped woman had fallen on the ground a couple apartment complex's down. She was lying on her back kind of rolling around with her walker about 10 feet in front of her below the curbing. was bizarre! So anyways, as soon as this scene registered in my brain I ran over to her and got to the bottom of the situation. It so happens that she had lost her balance trying to get to her car when she was trying to navigate the curbing. So she basically fell backwards, onto her back..and couldn't get up! She had fallen and couldn't get up. I felt soooo bad for this woman, I really didn't know what to do in terms of making sure she was alright. I mean I got her back up on her feet and helped her put everything in her car and all that. I made sure she was alright, asked her if she hit her head or anything. She seemed to be alright and I swear she even said that "whenever I fall I can't get up on my own" it had happened before! oooo i felt bad, but I did all I could for the time being and her car is back at the apartment complex tonight so I've got to believe she's alright. But ive definitely got my eye out for her now.

So that was really why my Sunday was so bizzare. I mean it was kind of like a laddie daddie type day where I was just floating along not really adding much to society. I mean I wasn't being productive with my blogging, or my apartment cleaning, and my training was basically to just get the blood flowing, and then all the sudden I helped a woman who had fallen and couldn't get up. Maybe this if anything will get me rocking and rolling again, shake the cob webs out of my brain if you know what I mean.

I've got more on my mind but its getting late and I have a huge salad in front of me that would make any healthy rabbit froth at the mouth. I promise to get a nice little post off tomorrow morning before I meander over towards Mendon Ponds to spend the early morning hours with my good buddy Donald.

1 comment:

  1. I read this whole thing and what made me laugh was you calling Don, "Donald." HAHAH!!
