Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It's a process

I woke up this morning at 5am with the intention of heading to the pool and getting a "Swim Test" in. 300 yard warmup followed by two all out 400's for time, with a little rest in between. When I got up I threw down some good (a banana with a scoop of protein and some honey and choc syrup for flavor..along with the coffee). But after eating and drinking the coffee I still just wasn't feeling it so I headed back to my bed and slept until 8am. Oh well, sometimes your body just needs some rest. Luckily the weather seems to be great today and I am planning on heading to the pool after work tonight. Sometimes my PM workouts aren't all that great since sitting in an office just zaps my energy but either way at least I will get to splash around in the pool. Plus a teammate of mine is going to be there tonight as well and she said that she would time my swim tests, hopefully this will motivate me to swim really fast!

As for yesterday I also got some good training in at night. I slept back in PY on Monday night since it was going to be rainy in both PY and Rochester, so an AM bike ride was not in the cards for me. Thus I was able to spend some more time with the parents at home and sleep in a comfortable setting...good for the mind! The weather was on my side and turned beautiful during the day, drying the roads and everything. So after work I headed out to Mendon Ponds Park as to avoid dealing with traffic on my way out of the city. I rode my bike for an hour with some tempo intervals..the speed and power was there but the legs were feeling heavy, I think they are still recovering from the previous weekend and weekends before that...May was a big month. I put in just about 1k of miles on the bike...that was cool. But I really wish I had been able to run! I am dying to get back to that. Which brings me to my next point, I was able to run for 25 minutes last night. It wasn't fast but it was relatively pain free. The Achilles still felt very tight compared to the left one but the pain wasn't so intense that it prevented me from running, in fact their were points where I didn't feel as if anything was different, but the downhills brought back some of the soreness. Other than losing my car opener thingy-ma-bob it was a good night. (I ended up finding the damn remote after about 30 minutes of retracing my steps..not cool! All I wanted to do was stretch after the run and get off my feet, but instead I had to walk all over to find the darn thing. And yes it ended up being only about 200 yards from my car...I walked about a mile in total looking for it..oh well!) I woke up this morning and the leg was feeling alright, not 100% yet but its definitely recovering much faster. Hopefully over the next few days I will see some more improvement. I'm still really hoping to put in a good effort down at Keuka this weekend.


  1. Matt I hope you can race at Keuka with us!

  2. Thanks Alexa, I hope I can race this weekend as well. But either way I'll be down in Penn Yan all weekend so its a win-win situation.
