Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Just your typical Awesome Day

I must admit that I am a bit lost as to what I want to write about today. When I have free time as I do now I like to come up with a theme for my blog and try to speak to that. Alas, nothing is really setting off the imaginary light bulb in my head. I shall instead describe what I have done and what I will be doing today and just go from there. I'm sure something good will come of that.

Well then, I woke up around 7:30 this morning, I had the intention of sleeping in really late but as usual I was awake and restless in my bed by 7am. I made my way over to the Midtown Athletic Club this morning to get some coffee and play on my computer. I don't normally just come over here to enjoy the club and the people but I think I might start to in the future...at least I would start getting my money's worth. It's pretty chill here in the morning, there is fresh coffee ready to be drank,there's lots of activity going on but its still nice and quite up by the cafe section. For some reason I have always found comfort when I am amongst the masses. I like being around a lot of people and a lot of activity while still being able to keep to myself...just comforting. It's also nice that while I have been sitting here I have had two really nice people that I casually know come right up to me and have a nice conversation. You've always gotta be networking right? As they say its not what you know, it's who you know. Haha..but really its been nice to just have some nice conversation with people and catch up with what they have been doing. So that's what I have been doing this morning. Enjoying people, enjoying the morning, and drinking my coffee. As for the rest of the day I think I am going to go back to the apartment and grab some breakfast and maybe watch some Hulu of a movie even...Then once I am all revved up and ready to go I am going to attack my triathlon training of a 1hr bike with some tempo efforts.

Update, its almost 10AM. I have had my coffee and ate my breakfast which consisted of 1 cup egg whites, 1/2 avacado (mmm mmm good), and a gala apple (Organic from Wegmans of course..only the best, I mean you woudn't put low test fuel in a ferrari would you?)
I write about what I am eating in the attempt to keep myself honest. I know that some people would yell at me and tell me that I am light enough but call it manorexia or whatever, I want to be about 3-5 pounds lighter. I look at this picture -->
See that tub around the belly button area...that's gotta go. That's like 2 minutes faster I can go on the run. Hopefully the ramped up training volume over the next few weeks will take care of this.

Well for now I am going to ponder about my bike ride today and see if I can't stop procrastinating and just get on the bike. It's definitely not that I don't want to ride, I DO I DO, its just that I actually have some free time today and the hardest part is deciding when GO TIME is...haha I'd expect that before noon I'll be hammering away :)

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