Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 3 of The Recovery Week

The good thing about having Monday be my travel day is that it is already Wednesday or "hump" day as the some call it...or if you read Chuckie V's blog you know that he calls it "Big Wednesday" as explained in one of his recent postings. This will be the longest period of "inactivity" that I have ever had in my triathlon journey, which is about to celebrate its one year anniversary at the end of next month. There have been times when a nagging ankle or sore knee have dialed back some training but to flat out take all the training away and just chill, this is the first time. Up until now its been very welcome due to the hectic nature of traveling and "re-acclimating" to the regular working life that I have. It's all been rolling together since I started my journey back to Rochester at 5:30am on Monday morning in Galveston and then arrived at my apartment here in Upstate, NY around 1am on Tuesday morning. After some unpacking and general unwinding I finally hit the sheets around 2am. It was a short night since I had to stop off at Wegmans and buy some food before I headed into the office. While at the office I was pleased that I was not being pulled in 20 different directions. This allowed me to catch up on a lot of Misc. items that had to be attended to since before leaving for the vacation I had just wrapped up my "Double Busy-Season" of Audit and Tax work, which ended on Tax Day (That's April 15th for you people who have been living under a rock, or who are like Wesley Snipes and are a part of the "anti-tax" movement. Check out this NY Times article for some color on this subject)

Well, I wrote the above stuff at home this morning before I headed to work. Right now I am just about done with my work day and I am going to head to the chiropractor for some therapy on the legs. Mainly to make sure that my Achilles get's the proper attention that it needs so that it doesn't decide to go and snap or something on me, which would basically put the kaput on all things relevant to triathlon. AND I DO NOT WANT THAT! So I am heading over there for a 5pm appointment. It's nice to have a little downtime at work because it has given me the chance to catch up on things like going to the Dentist, going to the Chiropractor, actually making it to the Dry Cleaners before they close, being able to go to Starbucks in the morning and not be in a super rush to get in and out. This last point was validated by the fact that after my dentist appointment I decided go and get my nice new teeth all dirty by heading directly to Starbucks. While at Starbucks I got to see my good buddy Josh who just so happened to be getting his morning cup of happiness as well. Josh had big news to tell me..what was the news? Oh just that he was finally getting a TT bike. He may say that he is doing this so that he can race some TT's or do a triathlon...but deep down he knows that he just wants to spend some QT time with Turbo Curbo on the roads, LOL...but it will be nice to add another triathlon training partner for the bike leg. I really do hope that we are able to get some rides in together, Josh has been riding a bike longer than I have probably been alive. He was actually one of the first people I rode with. He took me around the Bristol Hills for my first ride around that area, and even was nice enough to tell me to attack a certain hill called Bopple..if you don't know about Bopple just google it or something and you will see that it is no joke. It's steep and it has a fake flat area where it makes you think that the climb is over but then it turns another corner and it goes into its steepest grade incline. I am dead serious when I say that during the Highlander Bike Tour last September some young gun stud flew by me at the beginning of the climb. I am by no means a climber such as the likes of Lance, but let me tell you that I was pushing up the hill at a good rate and I didn't really think that this kid who flew by me would keep it up..well he made it up the first section but then when it turned towards the final climb...let's just say that his speed dropped to 0.0 and well he dropped to...along with his bike. It wasn't pretty but he got back on the saddle and made it up, which was respectable.

I had some different thoughts about where this post was going but seeing as it is 10:30 at night now as I am about to wrap it up I am not about to think about more things to say since I am tired. I will mention that I had an enjoyable visit to the chiropractor as well as an enjoyable evening hanging out with my friend Josh. We stopped off at Towpath to see Scott, had dinner at Aladdin's and watched Race Across the Sky at his place. It was a great evening, and one that I would not usually have since I would usually go to bed really early. So there you have it a good thing to come about from recovery week!

Night all!


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