Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday in Galveston

It's so absolutely relaxing right now. I amm sitting out on the balcony area of the hotel we are staying at. It's not the ritz but it's good enough. Triathletes are starting to roll in now so the atmosphere is def starting to take on a full fledged triathlete aura.  There is definitely something to be said about the general mood that triathletes bring to the table. Health living with outdoor fun in the sun. I mean on my opinion you just cant beat the kind of day I'm having today.  I woke up at around 7am, I was able to sleep in this late without any late night eakeups since i took down to anvil pm's before bed. After easing a little on the iPad I nodded and slept like a baby. I love that feeling when your reading a book and you get so tired that you can't focus on the words anymore...then you just click the lights off and go strait to bed and when you wake up it's the morning and you had a great whole nights sleep. That doesn't happen to me to much since my mind seems to always be racing. I was talking about this with Mary and she was saying how she can just turn off her brain and the world around her. She attributed much of it to yoga, meaning I need more yoga!:) but def I will be working to shut off my brain and hue world around me when it's the right time. 

So anyway we got up and headed to star bucks. Prolly my fav thing in the world is to just wake up and stroll to the coffee shop and just chill. I'm not kidding, if I can have the lifestyle where I do that every morning and then go train..OMG would i be in heaven. So we chatted and had our coffee, then we headed to the IHOP to begin phase 1 of the carbo load. We both had 2 pancakes, scrambled eggs, and some bacon. Plus I had more coffee..hehe. After breakfast we headed back to the hotel and started to assemble our bikes. Mary had her bike put together and each to go before I even had the protecting foam off. Seriously I'm not kidding, it was dang impressive. Well needless to say my bike needed some work, the rear derailliuer had to be taken off when we packed it and I didn't want to screw anything up for the race so we decided to just take it to the expo and have the bike guys give it a look over. For 35 bucks they put it together and inspected the brakes, gears, etc...well worth it in my mind. Then we hit the roads for a 45 min bike and 25 min run. 

Gotta jet now though..heading to dinner for an Italian feast...later!   

1 comment:

  1. hi Matt! you are not the only one - I cannot turn my brain off either and sometimes I have trouble sleeping because of it. also, I have no idea how to put my bike together either! Mary is hardcore.. also, GOOD LUCK!
