Thursday, November 5, 2009

Discovering Rochester's Hidden Gems

My work as a public accountant has lead me to a new section of Rochester that I have never before visited. It just so happens that then Eastman School of Music is located on the opposite end of East Avenue from where I reside. This unique section of Rochester is located right before the city turns into the truly dumpiness that is "downtown Rochester". This street is called Gibbs street and it is where the Eastman School of Music Students spend their time. It is a really lovely place, reminiscent of an actual nice City. It has a couple cafe's and a really nice Coffee shop called Java, which currently sitting in because the clients have yet to come into work. Java is a really cool place! It has a lot of comfy chairs and has a really "old time" feel to it. Almost like an old soda shop that has had a bit of an urban renewal that better suits a laid back and mellow coffee crowd. They seem to use many local producers to make their various bakeshop goodies, which look amazing. I may have to pick up a few of their organic granola bars and the like before I head to masters swim tonight (I am hoping and praying work does not preclude me from getting to practice) I am going to make every effort to leave work at 6. Luckily the clients here at Eastman kick us out at 5, so i figure no matter what I can just slip out then and disappear only to re-appear around 8:15 after my 3000-3500 yards have been completed.

Overall I would have to say that Java will become an occasional stop for me to make on my bike or on a run...maybe even meeting someone to chat. Starbucks, the coffee giant, mainstream to the max is still #1 in my books, and they just recently brought out their holiday cups (which I am very excited to see, I have been collecting them ever since I began my journey into the realm of coffee 4 years ago). With that said I will still be a Starbucks regular...its comfortable, I know the people, etc.. etc..but its nice to know that Rochester actually has some nice areas. I see people riding commuter bikes, opening their macs, studying, doing homework, fathers with their kids...its just like a different world..a world which I am desperate to immerse myself into. I want to be in a place like Boulder, like Austin, like Lake Placid...these are the places that make me feel comfortable. Isn't that what its all about? To feel comfortable in the life we live. I really believe that when a person is comfortable in their own skin that they can then unlock their true potential. When a person stops worrying about pleasing others, looking like others, acting "in the normal, accepted away",..this is when they evolve and attain their true potential.


  1. maybe we will ahve to have a team meeting there! so well said!

  2. wow, great post, especially last paragraph.
