Sunday, November 1, 2009

To read of not to read?

Wow, isn't it nice to look outside at 6:35AM and see light, gotta love daylight savings time! (That is if you are a morning person)

Last night I finish Dan Browns book "The Lost Symbol". A very entertaining read and really makes you think...also it makes you want to head to Washington DC and check out everything he is writing about.

With that book complete I think I have finally found my "reading legs" again. I say this because during down times in college, summers, and trips I can absolutely demolish books. I will chew them up and spit them out without batting an eyelash. Mind you these are all not brain mangling theory journals (more like Bill Bryson's latest comedic historical account, or the latest Sports best seller, or anything relating to Mr Harry Potter), but anyways reading is reading in my mind. Reading is something that I wish I had taken a liking to a lot sooner in life. Why? Well for various reasons but I'll condense them into a few major points: 1. Reading would have made middle school and high school classes a lot easier, instead of speed summarizing a book 10 min before a test/quiz or frantically searching spark notes, or seeking out someone who had actually read the book...I could have just read the book and easily managed my way through the examination..actually writing about how I felt not just BS'ing my way through it (although I must say I could usually BS my way to a good grade, lets not kid ourselves, this was a public highschool), with that said I somehow made an amazing grade on my 11th grade English Regents, you know the one in NY State that you have to write like 4 essays in 2 days and if you fail you can't go on to 12th grade english and you can only take the exam in December or June..well anyways without any prep work (my 11th grade teacher was awesome, all the other classes were writing like 40 essays in 40 days to prepare, well we didn't do any of that, instead out teacher gave us a few tips. The graders just want to see that you can string a few words together, so write something that makes logical sense, use good grammar and the key words that they are looking for based on the question asked, and keep it short...these people have a lot of papers to get through.) Needless to say I received a 98 on that exam, one of my proudest accomplishments in highschool. Reason 2. I've now read almost all the books that I "ignored" in high school, and here's the best part..I actually enjoyed them...I have even re-read many...if that's not a kick in the pants idk what is. Reason 3: I would have realized that I really like to write (maybe this post isn't a great example of my proper english/grammar/whatever conventions you are thinking about) but I really do like to write, take notes, etc...I keep a moleskin journal with me at all times just never know when something cool is going to happen in life..and when it does I want to WRITE it down. Take for example the other morning at the I was ordering my breakfast the eldest waitress was ringing some people out at the register. Well let me tell you, she said the word "Honey" to these people, I kid you not 15 times in the matter of 1 minute. How do I know this? I started a tally in my was ridiculous, every sentence she said ended with a "Honey". Even if it didn't fit..she still said it..I think their might have been a time when she has asked someone "with your toast, would you like Honey?...Honey" now if I heard that I might have to excuse myself from the diner because of the fit of laughter I would be having...anyways I was alone so I didn't have anyone to laugh with...but on the inside this kind of stuff just gets me..BACK MY 3rd reason...I would have realized that I love to write and that I should go to college for journalism or something like that...something where I would be doing things that really interest me and things that I would not mind pouring my heart and soul into...i mean agreeing a companies financial records to their support just doesn't really do it for me..don't get me wrong its a great learning experience, everyone should understand the business world that we live in...but really I can't honestly say that I am driven to tie and agree.

So! Onto the next book in my que. "Born to Run" I have read a couple chapters but I am not going to dive deep into the book and get it done. I will report back when I am finished with it..I want all you followers to bug me and make sure I am keeping up. I have lots of books that I want to get through and now I have the motivation again, my brain has recovered from last years menacing CPA exams. All during the time I was taking the CPA Exams..I would think..boy I can't wait until I can just read whatever I want to.."I'm gonna read all the time"...well after the exams were over I wanted nothing to do with books..I wanted to sit in front of my computer, search the web, and watch tv shows on hulu that I missed during the week...but I think I am through that now. Yes, I will still catch up on my favorite tv shows on hulu while eating I am back in reading mode...its a nice place...gets me to bed earlier to!

In the book que:
Born to Run and Chi Running (1/2 way through)

PS: It's now 7:15 and the sun is shining brightly outside...wooohooo!

Alright, it's time for me to get going to swim class. It's another great Sunday before my 3 weeks of hell due to work begin. Cycloross racing at noon today at Ellison Park. I'm really looking forward to this, no matter how I do its a hell of a time and a great bit of exercise. Maybe if I have enough energy I'll get a race report in this afternoon..time will tell.

Have a great Sunday!


1 comment:

  1. if you're looking for good books to read, i can't speak highly enough of the bourne identity, supremacy and ultimatum. ludlum's original stories are 1000000x better than the movies, and i loved the movies. in general, his books are the type that are hard to put down.

    if you feel like learning something, read "hot, flat and crowded' by thomas friedman. great writer that packs a lot of opinion, fact and eye-opening information into a small space.
