Sunday, November 29, 2009

Groovin...on a Sunday afternoon

Its just so great that today is only Sunday. These few days off from work and away from Rochester have been revitalizing. The long days of Sept-Nov are over. Its now time to enjoy the holidays. Next weekend will bring me back here to Syracuse for my mom's birthday celebration. The whole family will be going to the Nutcracker Ballet, where we have the privilege of watching the production from our own private box. (These are the benefits of going with a family that has little children who would otherwise go crazy if they were in regular seating) So that will take care of next week, then the following weekend team Train-This will be having a training day session at TriSpot in Buffalo where we will be doing some performance testing and checking out the fit kits for the 2010 team uniform....very exciting. After these two weeks it will bring us to the middle of December when the holiday season is in full swing. Their will be more family gatherings on both sides of the family, less work at the office (hopefully), and overall a general time to rest and recover. This year the firm I work for has decided to extend the Christmas break a little longer than usual. Thus, I will have around a weeks worth of time off to ride my bike, run, nap, read, etc etc..This will be very much needed as the Jan-Mid April time will be extremely busy. With work and training I will definitely have a packed schedule. No complaints though, it will keep me busy and it will keep me focused. When race day comes in April that will just be icing on the cake.

On tap for today is a drive back to Rochester. I have a messy apartment with no food in the refrigerator waiting for me, back to the bachelor life for me...haha. However, I do intend on trying to search out a pair of vibrum five fingers. These are shoes the mimic barefoot running. As I have been reading "Born to Run" and conversing in some team discussions about this matter I am truly intrigued by the notion of barefoot running. What I have concluded from readings and discussions is that their is a definite school of thought that believes running barefoot is how we as humans were meant to run. This is not a flash in the pan theory, it is almost fact. History does not humans our bodies were basically made to run without big comfy support providing shoes. Our bodies already came with the necessary equipment. Simply lacing some leather around the soles of the feet gave protection against razor sharp rocks. Essentially this is what the five fingers product is.

The plan is to obtain some of these five fingers and complete part of my 50 minute run that I am planning on completing today with these finger contraptions. As these five fingers mimic barefoot running I will be looking to complete this run on grass as attempting to run almost barefoot on pavement for the first time could lead to potential disaster. Also I will restrain myself if pain does occur, there's no need to push it on Nov 29th. A break-in period will surely be needed. What I hope to gain from this is the ability to run almost barefoot about 1-2x times per week. Nothing really hard or long, just something to get the feet engaged. I look forward to giving these five fingers a try and providing a review of the experience. As of now I do not believe I would ever race in something like this but I do see them as a very beneficial training tool. Yet, I have never used anything like this before so they could be very good for me or very bad...time will tell. Either way this is a new piece of technology that I have not used yet and as such I am very excited to give them a shot.

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