Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tubular Tuesday

Wow...we are already 5 days into the new year. As I sit in the Wegmans cafe above the glorious Pittsford Wegman's grocery store I can't help but think about how I always find myself struggling to "fit it all in". Their really does not seem to be enough hours in the day. Whenever I have time off from work or free time to do whatever, I never seem to be able to get in everything I want to do...I just always get caught up in something. I might wake up bright and early with the whole day ahead of me, with plans of getting a spin or jog in, reading a book in a big comfy chair at Barnes and Noble...or whatever. Low and behold the day just flies by and the next thing I know its already 8 at night and I need to start thinking about getting to sleep so I can rise at my desired hour. I guess the winter darkness has something to do with my mood about this because in the summer their just seems to be soo much more time...more time to ride a bike outside. I mean I remember getting out of work at 6pm and getting to a friends house at 645, and then we rode from 7-9PM...and it was still kind of light out when we were finished. I guess its like bonus time, a whole other time to get things done...I can't wait for the Spring to arrive and the days to get longer. At least we are on the other side of the winter solstice now.

Anyway, that was just a random thought that was bouncing around in my head.

Well tonight the plan is to make my way over to MCC (hopefully traffic allows this, its kind of nasty out in Rochester tonight) and get some swimming in. I am happy to say that I believe I have caught up on a bit of sleep and feel more energetic than yesterday. Yesterday seemed to be a little bit of a downer in terms of energy level, most likely stemming from the busy weekend I had. The swim workout won't be to intense though, just a nice easy workout with the hopes of getting to bed after. If all goes as planned I will have a nice recovery week. Tomorrow's game plan is a nice hour spin...easy, and a 30 minute jog, which will most likely be done on the treadmill :(. The good news is that I do not have to be into work super early so I should be able to sleep in until a reasonable hour (around 6 ish)and still get my spinning and running in. Its that kind of thing that makes me happy. And then after those 2 workouts I am off until Friday. Thursday has been prescribed as a DAY OFF. I think I will either make my way back to PY to see my parents or make plans with my cousin to see Avatar at the IMAX theater. We tried to go the IMAX movie on Sunday night but it was SOLD OUT at 2pm. Can you believe that? The movie has been out over 2 weeks and it was still selling out in advance...craziness!

This has been a bit of a scatterbrained post. For that I apologize, but I am trying to eat some food and get headed to MCC at the same time. So for now I gotta run to make it to the pool on time. I may add some more to this tonight, and I may not..time will tell I guess.

Off to the pool!



I'm at the pool playing on my iPhone...blogging on the fly, pretty darn cool!

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